A Glimpse into the Life of our Family!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Do you Remember?

Do may of you remember Jr. High? I have recently found some people I knew on face book, from Jr High. Its weird because we were reminiscing about the past, & I have forgotten allot! And last night I was taking with my hubby Adam, and we were talking about if we remembered when we were 5, do any of you remember that? Or is it just important events? Is it things that we want to remember? Sometimes I think I remember but its only because I have a picture of it. I remembered what my teacher's name was and kind of the class room, but not much else. It's weird what you do remember, and some of what I remember is different then other's do. I even have trouble remembering what movie I've seen the weekend before. Or a movie will come on T.V and I'll tell Adam, "Did I see this?" He'll usually say "Yes", I'll say "no we didn't" But then I watch for a minute and remember oh ya we did. Do you think it the early start of Alzheimer's? I sure hope not. It's probably a good thing I'm keeping a blog spot, because I might forget!


  • At November 19, 2008 at 10:48 AM , Blogger Heidi said...

    I'm right there with you Vicki -- I can't remember a DARNED thing! I wish we could just forget the BAD stuff and remember all the important GOOD stuff. Of course I do forget some of the bad stuff (like paying the bills).

    Love ya,

  • At November 19, 2008 at 12:14 PM , Blogger Victoria Ross said...

    You are to funny! We try to forget the bills to, but then we are wondering why the lights dont work...hahahaha
    Good to here from you! You really need to open a blog spot! I'd like to see you and your cute family!
    Love you too Vicki

  • At November 19, 2008 at 8:36 PM , Blogger D. SKye Hodges said...

    I actually remember a fair number of things from 3 years old, and on up. The strangest thing is to think of my thoughts back then, and how adults act all "baby-ish" or talk down, but when I think back even though I didn't understand the world, I could still think, and comprehend what people were saying without them "baby talking" to me. But mostly I just remember mental images of things like school, playing, books I read, food I ate (not what it tasted like, just what it looked like)... Other weird stuff like that. But there are still things that I can't remember, like people's names, it takes me between 5 to 8 intereactions with a person over a 2 week period, or 20 interactions over 3 months, before I can reasonably remember someone's name. I dislike seeing movies more than once though, so more times than not, I won't see a movie because I THINK I've seen it, because I remember seeing the preview (so I have to watch movies when they come out on DVD when they are still 1-4 weeks old so I remember what I HAVEN'T seen.

  • At November 20, 2008 at 3:10 PM , Blogger The Mighty Tiffoo said...

    I remember running around and being crazy with Adam and Heidi..etc. I wish we could still do all those crazy things!! Now we would have even more people to be crazy with!! (yes I mean you sweet Vicki):)

  • At November 21, 2008 at 7:36 AM , Blogger Evie said...

    HEHE, Sadly I remember events and other things by what food was being served...LOL

  • At November 21, 2008 at 7:46 AM , Blogger Victoria Ross said...

    Maybe thats it! Food! Come to think of it, it is food that I remember! Thanks guys I'm Cured!


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